The Beginning of the Road

TheBeginningOfTheRoad“He who chooses the beginning of the road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end.”
―Harry Emerson Fosdick

What made you choose the road you are walking at the moment?

3 thoughts on “The Beginning of the Road”

  1. 25 years of chronic illness sent me on a detour from my youthful plans. Physical disability, not my preferences, directed where I live and my unemployment. Mine isn’t a nice highway going to an exciting city. My way is a rough, and sometimes muddy, back road. Often I have to stop and rest. Then I notice the wildflowers, and hear the birds singing. I suppose that’s better than all that traffic noise and litter on the highway.

  2. I was lucky enough to become what I had wished for as a freshman in high school. It has been a great experience that has caused me physical and emotional sacrifice, as well as, bouts of loneliness and home sickness. However, I would not change one day of it.. I lived by staying focused and accomplishing smaller goals along the ladder that brought me to where I’m today.

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