
KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAIn the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the shortest day, the moment when the earth tilts again toward the light. But it is also the beginning of winter, not its depth, and the coldest days are still to come.

Where do you look for signs of growing light when it feels like winter might be endless?

If everyone reading the Daily Compass gave $5 right now, we’d have enough to keep it going through 2014. Support your spiritual wellness and give today!


WaitingThe lizard knows that if you wait long enough the shade will come and cover your warm rock. And if you wait longer then the sun will come back again. The hard part is knowing when to wait, and when to move to a new rock.

What are you waiting for?

If everyone reading the Daily Compass gave $5 right now, we’d have enough to keep it going through 2014. Support your spiritual wellness and give today!

Bell the Cat

BellTheCatA bell on a cat often is there to serve as a warning to birds that a lethal predator is coming. But then, it could equally well be a little holiday celebration, a reminder that Santa’s reindeer with their belled harnesses are on their way.

What are you listening for?


WrappingWe are told “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” and “looks can be deceiving.” Certainly it’s worth remembering that what’s on the inside matters more than what you see on the surface. But the way a gift is presented can be a gift in itself, an act of love that makes something special from the moment it is encountered.

What do you take care to wrap or present beautifully?