
TogethernessCozy or claustrophobic? Efficient or cramped? Organic or utterly disorganized?

How does the idea of living in such close proximity to your neighbors feel to you?

4 thoughts on “Togetherness”

  1. Personally, I like to see plants outside my window. I also like having my own room, my own space. I think I’d feel completely overwhelmed if there were so many people all around me. There would be a few perks, however, if I was emotionally close to these people instead of merely in physical proximity.

  2. Noise would be the major issue for me. I had a problem with that while living in the dormitory when I was in college. It would drive me up an ever-loving wall. If I could shut out the ambient noise, I probably could manage. I don’t need a lot of space. However, I *do* need my own private room, a quiet sanctuary where I can think and dream.

  3. I’m an American living in Europe in a neighborhood not too different from this. Noise is not usually a problem because people learn to be neighborly, which among other things means being quiet: Do unto others as ye would like done unto you, so don’t blast your friggin’ stereo. Or shout, for that matter. American culture is much different.

  4. I have to admit, I am not a believer in the Great Urban Solution. If everybody who lived in the “sprawl” of the suburbs moved in the “density” and “efficiencies” of cities, the price for properties in these cities would be untouchable and all of those cities services would be overwhelmed. Likewise, my disposition towards my fellow man may end up being a real challenge everyday. A “park” to me is a place to be alone with nature and to go for an hour long hike, not a place to watch other people play Frisbee golf.

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