Fall Equinox

FallEquinoxToday marks the end of summer, the point in time when the light and the dark are in equal balance before beginning the long slide toward dark and winter. Unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case it’s the long slide toward light and summer.

What do you look forward to in the upcoming season? What will you miss from the season past?

5 thoughts on “Fall Equinox”

  1. I’m looking forward to cooler temperatures, the changing colors of leaves, the absence of ticks, and quite a few holidays. I’m grateful that the gadflies and mosquitoes are already gone. I’m going to miss the flowers and fresh strawberries and tomatoes from the garden.

  2. Fall is my favorite season. I look forward to hiking weather, fall foliage and harvest festivals.

    I will miss swimming and the sound of the crickets.

  3. I’m looking forward to all the great harvest foods, and the fall community events. I’m also looking forward to the return of routines.

    I’ll miss the relative flexibility of the summer months.

  4. Trying to look forward to selling our home and moving back to the NW but seems so unlikely today with dozens of houses for sale in our town. Hoping that as the snowbirds come back this can turn around. At least our social season comes back when the folks with $$ do.

    The turtles and I will miss the fresh fruit and veggies.

    Will not miss the record heat this past summer.

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