Where Everybody Knows Your Name

WhereEverybodyKnowsYourNameIn a tiny village, each person is very visible to their neighbors, while the town is invisible to the larger world. In a great city people no one knows all the people who surround them, but the city is recognized everywhere. And yet, each human soul, known and unknown, is of equal worth.

Where do you feel known? Where do you feel invisible?

2 thoughts on “Where Everybody Knows Your Name”

  1. I feel known and at ease when I am among family and friends. I sometimes feel invisible at parties and large gatherings. I learned to overcome this as a teenager by becoming a musician and entertaining other people. The biggest drawback to this tactic is, I still find it difficult as an adult to feel at ease in a crowd when I am not holding into my electric bass. Most of the time I manage somehow in spite of myself. 🙂

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