
AbundanceThe world, it turns out, is full of succulent fruit that we have never tasted, lovely sights we have never seen, fascinating people whom we will never meet. It’s easy to regret missing out on so much, but what a miracle that the world is so full of wonders that we can never taste or see or meet them all!

What one thing that you have never experienced would you most like to encounter?

4 thoughts on “Abundance”

  1. I would like to travel the world and see the ancient structures like the great pyramids, Parthenon, Great Wall, etc. I have only traveled outside the US to Canada and Mexico but I have friends from every coner of the planet. I am always fascinated by their stories and I would like to experience a little of their culture firsthand.

  2. Thank you for posting my critical comment regarding the UUA’s lamentable failure, indeed its apparent obstinate refusal. . . to provide long ago promised, and long overdue, restorative justice for ALL victims of UU clergy misconduct. I did not hold out high hopes that you would post it. Au contraire, I have become used to UUs censoring and suppressing such comments.

    I would ask ALL Unitarian Universalists to engage in a free and responsible search for the Truth and meaning of the words that Rev. Meg Riley utters in this YouTube video titled ‘2nd Homily on Salvation’ between the 2:45 point and the 4:55 point, and apply them to responding in responsibility to the Spirit of my legitimate criticism of UUA negligence, UUA institutional stonewalling, and yes, UUA complicity in all manner of UU clergy misconduct.

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