Earth Day

EarthDayOn April 22nd, 1970, Earth Day was born as a way to celebrate our amazing planet, and to highlight the need for environmental protections. More than 40 years later we have laws regulating pollution of water and air that have made tremendous improvements, and yet habitat loss and climate change now have devastating and rapidly growing effects.

What choices do you make with the express intention of preserving or protecting the environment?

4 thoughts on “Earth Day”

  1. I have been connected to our mother since a very small child and have done my best to be respectful of her needs all of my life. I also taught my children to care for her and not be materialistic and greedy for her gifts of life.

  2. I turn off my computer before dinner to save electricity. I reuse and recycle everything I can.

  3. We recycle. I drive the speed limit to use less gas. I use household cleaning products that are environmentally friendly, especially white vinegar.

  4. We recycle paper, glass, metal and plastic, use fluorescent bulbs, grow veggies, turn off lights, keep the thermostat at 74, do not use weed-killing chemicals, turn off computers if we won’t need them for two hours, use safe detergents, combine errands to limit driving trips.

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