
Whether the big bounce on the trampoline is exhilarating or scary depends on whether you are prepared or startled to find yourself suddenly aloft. Of course, life rarely gives us adequate warning before bouncing us into a new place. Which leaves us with the difficult task of trying to find the fun when we are already mid-air.

What helps you to roll with it when life flips your expectations?

7 thoughts on “Whoa!”

  1. Definitely my family and nature. The first helps ground me, and the second helps me dream and be at peace.

  2. My religion allows me to reflect on my core beliefs and helps me to regain my balance. Also, by virtue of my age (56) and reflecting on past experiences, it’s now easier for me to understand that things usually have a way of working out and worrying about it is a waste of time. In fact, some of the curve balls I’ve been thrown in life have eventually resulted in happy outcomes that I might have otherwise missed. There are a few advantages to getting older, besides the obvious one. The peace of mind that comes with maturity is one of the things I treasure the most now.

    Sometimes, I wish I could go back 30 years and tell that truth to my 26 year old self. It would have saved me a lot of heartaches and sleepless nights. But I’m not kidding myself about it. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t listen to an old man giving free advice. He knew everything back then and he wasn’t afraid to take on all comers to prove it. I still have the scars. As Bob Dylan said, “I was so much older then. I’m younger than that now”.

    1. I agree with you Al. If I could turn back the hands of time, geeze, would I have ever done things differently. I am embarking on getting on the trampoline this week and taking a new jump so to speak, as I leave my husband of 32 years and a life of emotional abuse. I am looking forward to a new ride and where it takes me along the way! Yes, I will keep my eyes open to new experiences and now have the confidence to enjoy the ride as I hopefully get propelled upward towards a more healthy lifestyle. Thank you dailycompass for this post today!

  3. What helps me in challenging situations is compassionate friends who share their experiences and thoughts. Perspectives on the issue and possible solutions from a community of compassionate friends, almost always provides a calm and optimal path forward.

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