New Year’s Day

The passage from one year into the next is really no different than the passage from one day to another, except in our minds. But in our minds is where all possibilities of change and growth begin.

What new thing do you imagine for yourself this year?

3 thoughts on “New Year’s Day”

  1. I want to simplify my life. I plan to get rid of cable and my cell phone. being available 24/7 2 coworkers, clients, and family has me very stressed and I’ve come to realize that I’m not spending nearly enough time my two adolescent children. They’re growing up too fast & I’m missing the joyful experience of participating in their lives.

  2. Thought I had already posted, but not seeing it. So here I go again –

    I hope to simplify my life. I want to become less attached to the culture of electronics and spend more quality time with my two adolescents. I have realized that they haven’t done a lot of the things their older, 20 something, sisters have. in part because their father and I are available 24/7 to family, friends, and clients. Before we know it, they will be grown with children of their own and no exciting memories from their youth to share. That seems so sad.

    Today I cancelled cable tv. Tomorrow, something else will be removed or altered….

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