Christmas Eve

It’s one of the great mysteries of life. How does Santa manage to get all the way around the world in one night? How does he get inside all those houses, even the ones that don’t have chimneys? But then, how does joy manage to creep into the hearts of people all over the world, even those whose lives are filled with hardship?

How will joy find its way into your home today?

4 thoughts on “Christmas Eve”

  1. Today I am enjoying my solitude. It is a day of mindful meditation. Solstice was a nice observance. Tonight I am thinking of other Christmas eves and lighting candles for those who have passed through mystery’s door. Years ago I stopped observance of the commercial holiday.
    Tomorrow afternoon there will be a Christmas potluck at
    Humboldt UU Fellowship in northern coastal California, land of the giant redwoods. Happy Holiday, everyone. Blessed Be.

  2. Unlike Ms. Moore, I hate the idea of people alone on Christmas. I’ve invited a woman in town to join us for dinner before she goes to work this evening. I pray everyone is welcoming and she has a memorable day.

  3. How will joy find its way into your home today?…
    The only way “joy” would find its way into my home today, is if a knock came at my door; and a willing/sexually wanton (but STD-free) female, was waiting to have every kind of sex possible for what’s left of this year, and … we could see how far into the next year we make it; and beyond…
    What?!? A Shaman can’t have an active libido?!?
    Namaste & Bright Blessings!

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