
These builders work at heights most of us would find terrifying, constructing the bones of an edifice that thousands of people will walk through and work in without the least concern. They understand that all you need to move around safely is a place to put your foot for the next step.

What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?

2 thoughts on “Ironworkers”

  1. One trait that has seen me through difficult times is stubbornness/tenacity. I hold on long after the reasons for holding on seem petty and long after I feel like I have no strength left. I hold on because I said I would, because I remember thinking that it was important that I do so. The intellectual hope of probability helps as well.

  2. What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?…
    My spiritual foundation is based on the principles of 12-Step Fellowship; as well as what I have learned along the Path of this Life. I hope, sincerely, that I will be able to carry them with me, when my Spirit passes through, into whatever the next Stage holds.
    Namaste & Bright Blessings!

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