
When the tire is no longer useful for a car, it is still good for a swing. But when summer ends, or children grow up, what is the swing good for? Sometimes the answer comes with patience, sometimes with determination, sometimes with burst of creativity that makes everything new.

How do you hold on to your sense of purpose in life during the times when you feel adrift?

3 thoughts on “Recycled”

  1. I realize that many people lose their sense of purpose when they lose their jobs or when their kids get old enough to care for themselves. But its at these times that you have to remember that we are not here just to be “useful.” Caring for others is important, but it is not our ultimate goal. We are the Universe becoming conscious of itself. Our time on this planet must come with our increasing that knowledge, that consciousness. All to often, we try to lose ourselves in being busy.

  2. How do you hold on to your sense of purpose in life during the times when you feel adrift?…
    I find a sex partner – or I attempt suicide.

  3. Sometimes I can be content with existing and connecting with the universe rather than having an action-based goal. Other times I try to comfort myself in saying that life doesn’t have any purpose at all. However, I often feel worthless and depressed when I once again find that I can’t do the things I imagine would give me purpose. Maybe I wouldn’t even feel like I had purpose if I could do them; I don’t know because I’ve never gotten that far.

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