2 thoughts on “Feast of the Guardian Angels”

  1. Whose love do you feel watching over you?…
    As a person who is religious (UUA) and spiritual (pagan) and philosophical (12-Steps), I should feel the Love of my Higher Power watching over me. With both my parents now taken from me, I should feel some sense of either or both of them watching over me. As a sibling, I should feel the love of my brother and sisters watching out for me, at least. As a father, I should have a clear sense of my daughter’s love for me. But, for some reason, they all feel … distant, to me. I need an immediacy, an intimate partner, to bring me into a sense of love – strong enough, to see, feel, and fully acknowledge all the other connections. Without that intimacy – no matter how “carnal” that makes me appear – I have to admit, I rarely feel anybody’s love all that strongly. It makes me sad; but it is the truth. Dwayne

  2. Funny, I always felt I had a guardian angel supporting me in little ways but not able to help with big mistakes. But I never thought of it being someone I knew util now. I can think of someone that would fit that bill perfectly, someone I lost 35 years ago.

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