4 thoughts on “Roots”

  1. I’m still working on that. I do feel that there is something or someone out there greater than me, but I’m not sure if they affect my daily life. I guess I try to be good and positive and influence other’s life in a positive way. I have adopted stray animals and try to be positive to nature also. Most of the time it is enough.

  2. What sustains me, even though I do not often think about it?
    … Mother Earth/Gaia/Sophia (the Holy/Sacred Spirit), and all the Elemental spirits that are woven from, through, and around Her. My Totems and my Poohkah (an animal-spirit that guards me from spiritual attacks) watch over me, every step along my Path. The Creator/Divine Source, also sustains me physically and mentally – through the food she shares with me, and through the medical/mental health team she surounds me with. It is unfortunate and my greatest spiritual shame, how easily I take all that for granted. My Hope & Prayer is that I will work harder, each day, to Bless the Divine Source, and to acknowledge the work my Higher Power does in my life.
    Blessings, All! Dwayne

  3. The everchanging view out the front door from my desk sustains and calms me: On the porch my hammock chair waits, rocking gently in the breeze. The last frantic hummingbirds buzz at the feeder. Across the yard in the garden, vivid coreopsis and zinnias dominate the subsiding green bean and tomato plants. Beyond that, among the pine and cedar trees, one sassafras has turned a brilliant yellow.
    Thank you for reminding me.

  4. My beloved wife, kids, grandkids, kids-in-law.

    Billy Beagle, my jolly little hound.

    My mountain dulcimer–her name is Joyous.

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