Holding Hands

When was the last time someone held your hand to cross the street? I suppose there really is no magic safety that incurs from holding a parent’s hand through a crosswalk—cars can, and do, crash into parents as well as children. But who wouldn’t want to invoke that small magic? Don’t we all want to feel safe holding the hand of someone we love?

Who can make you feel safe, simply by the touch of their hand?

3 thoughts on “Holding Hands”

  1. My father — even though he is not with us except in spirit now. He had wonderful big hands that made me feel loved and safe. He would do anything for me. I am a lucky lady.

  2. I had an uncle who was so overprotective that he would hold my hand or arm to cross when I was a young adult. Of course it aggravated me at the time, but now I look back and think it was sort of sweet.

  3. Fortunately, being older and somewhat infirm, I can reach up and grab my husband’s arm. I think he likes it and I know I do.

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