A Wider View

In this time of intense political fervor, when stakes are high and opinions strong, it’s all too easy to become entrenched in our own particular viewpoint, and to dismiss anyone whose world view is different as an idiot. Sometimes our mental and spiritual health requires that we take a step back and try to look at the world from a broader angle, to walk out of the trees and gaze at the horizon.

Where do you go to gain a broader perspective on life?

4 thoughts on “A Wider View”

    1. 1. Independent news outlets that are not tied to the corporate media. Not exclusively the ones who agree with me. The main criteria being that the arguments are rational and not emotional rants.

      2. History. You need to understand how we got here before you can decide on where we should be going.

      3. Religious and secular texts that speak to the issues. A lot of the problems we face today have been addressed already many times over. It’s up to us to listen. In many cases it becomes apparent that no one person, or political party, has a monopoly on the truth.

      4. At the end of the day, I still trust my own gut instincts if I am forced to choose sides on an issue. I choose to lead with love and compassion for others.

      “That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah, and the rest is commentary, go and learn it.” ~ Rabbi Hillel

  1. I read, but I try to avoid “current events” sources such as newspapers and daily blogs. I majored in history in college, so I usually try to take into consideration the long view of any particular viewpoint or idea. Avoid the current events aisles of your bookstore or library and concentrate on history, philosophy, religion, science and nature.

  2. Still not sure when to tune in tonight. First it was 9 then 7 then 8 Eastern time. Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow morning.

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