
When happy and relaxed, some dogs make little grunting noises. Why do we never describe people as feeling “gruntled”? We say that a person is “disgruntled,” that they are out-of-sorts, dissatisfied or grumpy. Why not gruntled? Perhaps you can find a moment today, as you put on your comfiest pajamas, or settle in with a good book, watch birds at the feeders by your window or whatever gives you gentle pleasure, to give out a few small, happy grunts.

What makes you feel “gruntled”?

4 thoughts on “Gruntled”

  1. Almost daily I get a little gruntled as I sip my coffee on the back porch under the stars & await the beginning changes of color to the east. I also am fortunate enough to have two little dogs to share gruntles with.

  2. I feel gruntled when I accomplish some work that was beyond the stuff that needed to be done that day. Like yesterday, when I found time to work on my new book about temperament and consensus building. Then, when I settled down to read all the way to the end of a novel, it was with a gruntled, guilt-free joy.

  3. I am such a procrastinator I feel gruntled when I complete even half of a task that needs doing. Unfortunately this condition doesn’t inspire me to complete the other half.

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