Hope & Assurance



A leaf fluttered in through the window this morning, as if supported by the rays of the sun, a bird settled on the fire escape, joy in the task of coffee, joy accompanied me as I walked.
–Anais Nin 

Hope & Assurance

Hopefulness grows with true joy, in the heart of humble assurance.  Hope is often confused with “I want.”  Joy is often confused with “Yay! I have what I want!” Assurance is often confused with arrogance (“I count for more.”) Yet hopefulness, joy, and assurance are humble, steadfast, and very different from their false counterparts. The assurance that we are loved and loveable, that we have something to give to the greater good, that we are already here and belong to the whole nourishes hopefulness and joy. There isn’t any up/down positioning in that assurance, only possibilities of what we are each and all to do with these gifts we have, with the lives we live. Shall we contribute to goodness today and every day? I hope so.

Rev. Naomi King, City of Refuge Ministries, TO READ MORE