Saturday, March 24: “Hope and a Chessboard”




You might think the worm has spoiled your apple, but the worm thinks you are demolishing its home.




Hope and a Chessboard

Today I was down at OccupyBoston…I sat on a bench, and a minute or so later a man came and sat next to me…I knew this guy from around camp as one of the homeless members of OccupyBoston, a guy who was always pretty willing to help out, occasionally very loud, and usually trying to break up fights.  I asked him what kind of stuff to do he was looking for.  He responded that he just wanted some money to get something to do…

We spent a half hour trying to play chess.  He’d make a move, I’d start to make a move and he’d say “NO NO, do it THIS way” and show me a better move to make.  After he beat me (or, I suppose, beat himself) a couple of times he said he wanted to see if anybody else wanted to play.  He set up his chess board on the side walk, and one of his friends came over.

Sometimes we need to give food and warmth and spiritual guidance but other times there are smaller, more inexact needs.  Needs like alleviating boredom.  I live in hope that we can someday meet ALL those needs, allowing people to be well fed, comfortable, and nourished mentally and spiritually.

by Andy Coate TO READ MORE