Reflected Glory

U DistrictEven an ordinary office building can become a jewel if it reflects the glory of the evening sky.

How have you added to your own life by amplifying the work of others?

4 thoughts on “Reflected Glory”

  1. I train people in consensus building, persuasion and communication. I’ve written two books on the subject. However, I also like to speak from books by other authors such as Robert Cialdini, Malcolm Gladwell and Dan Ariely. From these, I draw lessons, not about how to persuade, but rather on “Defense Against the Dark Arts of Persuasion.” Just Wednesday, I spoke on that topic to a women’s lunch group.

    1. Margaret, I believe I can understand the relevance of why the topic of dark persuasion could have importance for women in our society, as it still persists.

      1. I agree, Patricia, for women especially. However, the techniques described in the books I cited, especially Cialdini, affect everyone. I wish everyone I care about would read that book. I have given copies to many of my friends and relatives. We can be duped without the slightest clue that we are being “worked on.”

  2. I marvel at the beauty of magnificent bridges. They certainly follow the statement in art saying “FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION” but the architectural beauty of bridges I have traveled over or just seen make me so grateful that those who design and build these structures allow me to use them freely and with wonder.

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