Spirit of Pride

“With gratitude for the freedom to be our true authentic selves, may we live the Spirit of Pride.

With the courage that comes from challenging fear, may we live the Spirit of Pride.” -Elizabeth Ketcham

How do you express the Spirit of Pride?



What you believe matters. How you express your beliefs matter. And finding a place for your theology to be expressed with integrity matters.

What have you learned on your journey to theological integrity?


Support for Your Journey

“Just as there is a spectrum of gender which can be experienced, so is there a spectrum of experience for transitioning. We stand with you today as you make the choices that are best for you. We trust you to be the best authority of what is right for you, understanding this includes the right to change your mind at anytime. We promise not to impose any timelines or expectations of outcomes upon your transition. We support you in living a life with integrity and honesty by offering you the space among us to explore what that means for you.”
Transgender Rite of Passage, by Del Mulhern

How can your community support you in living the life that is best for you?

Missing Her

“I always admired and loved my mother for her integrity, her many caring ways, her strong sense of duty as a public health nurse helping the poorest of the poor, her love of nature, her unbound generosity and sense of gratitude, and her love of the Mystery which she used to call Giver of All Gifts, and Beauty Always Ancient and Always New. Oh, how I do miss her. What I miss the most, however, is the tender look in her eyes and her sweet voice reciting to me her special litany of endearments.” -Rev. Lilia Cuervo

Who is someone with integrity whom you miss?