Made of Mud


Nothing could be plainer than a brick, a baked slab of clay mud. But that same mud is also the basis for elaborate flowered decoration. For that matter, in the Hebrew story of Genesis it is the material from which human beings are made.

What wonderful thing have you made from the plainest building blocks?


MagentaMaybe you’d call it fuchsia or hot pink or even scarlet. One way or another, this flower in its magenta dress with the lemon yellow trim is eye-popping. It might not be the kind of color you’d wear to work every day, but don’t you love the way it unfolds its brilliance without shame or need to diminish its boldness?

What will you do today to let your light shine – even if someone might think you’re a little over the top?

Full Tilt

Full TiltSome days it feels like everything is moving at top speed, as if you are dashing around obstacles at the edge of crashing, avoiding disaster by the narrowest of margins while you madly rush toward the finish line. Sometimes this is exhausting; sometimes it’s truly exhilarating.

On those mad-dash days, what helps you keep some semblance of control?