A Mighty Stream

civil rights monument - cc0 AlysonPresumably the biblical author knew as well as Dr. King did when he quoted the line, that a mighty stream rolling down not only quenches thirst and washes clean, it also causes massive disruption. A flash flood washes away everything in its wake, leaving those in its path to rebuild anew.

When has the call for justice caused you to tear down and rebuild some part of your life or beliefs?

Behind Barbed Wire

barbed wire wall - pixabay cc0Looking at this image of a massive wall topped in barbed wire, it is clear that it is designed to be as harsh and impregnable as possible. What you can’t tell is whether it is made to keep people in or keep people out. You can’t tell what is being defended or who it is being defended from. In a mood of defensiveness it is easy to lose track of these details.

When has defensiveness kept you from clear understanding?


15770812827_5ca615b58d_z“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
―Elie Wiesel

What is the most recent thing you have done to protest injustice?


arch-cc0Viewed from directly beneath, St. Louis’s famous arch takes on an entirely different, almost unrecognizable shape. The facts of the world look distinctly different to those who are on the bottom than those who are on the top.

How have you been able to shift your perspective to see things from the point of view of someone with a very different set of life experiences than yours?