Making a Splash

MakingASplash-150x150Stunning plumes of spray happen when the ocean crashes up against a rocky shoreline. While coming to rest on a soft, sandy beach is a lot more pleasant, we are often at our most impressive when we run up against the hard places.

When has running up against a hard place brought out the best in you?

What You See

WhatYouSee-150x150What we think of as a mushroom or toadstool is merely a fruiting body for the real plant whose tiny tendrils weave outward in a broad, unseen net. What we see of anyone’s life is really just the public face that fails to show more than a tiny fraction of who they are.

What do you wish more people recognized about you and your unseen life?

Wound Up

WoundUp-150x150Do you ever feel as if you are curled in on yourself, protecting what is most fragile inside you by wrapping it tight? What would it feel like to release that tension, to allow your body to stretch out in trust that there is room for you—all of you—in this world?

How do you make room for what is inside you to stretch and grow?