Up the Wall

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOK, so sometimes our kids drive us up the wall. But sometimes they manage to drive themselves up the wall, reaching and stretching and challenging themselves to do something exciting and a bit scary, knowing that they are held safe as they climb.

How do you offer security to another?

Watch Out

BunnyCrossingYou know to watch out for children playing, for bicyclists and pedestrians and all the usual road hazards. But you probably didn’t think to watch out for rabbits crossing the road. You need to watch where you’re going, but really, there’s no way you can be prepared for everything that might cross your path.

What are you on the lookout for?

Holding Hands

HoldingHandsParents hold the hands of children when walking down the street to keep them safe from traffic, or from getting lost. But we never outgrow holding hands when walking, even when we’re quite capable of keeping ourselves from getting lost or roaming in traffic.

What gives you a pleasurable sense of security, even if you don’t need it?