Rock Climbing

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERARock climbing works by clinging as tightly as possible to a handhold—and then releasing that grip in order to hold on somewhere else. Over and over.

What will you let go of today in order to hold to something new?

Turning the Other Cheek

TurningTheOtherCheek“Turning the other cheek means showing our enemies that they can only be our enemies while supposing that we are anxiously clinging to our private property, whatever it is: our knowledge, our good name, our land, our money, or the many objects we have collected around us. But who will be our robber when everything he wants to steal from us becomes our gift to him?”
― Henri Nouwen

What have you let go of in order to stay in good relation with someone?


JugglingAll too often life can feel like juggling flaming clubs: work, family, responsibilities to the community or the larger world fly past our noses, barely under control. It can be done. It’s also exhausting.

What enables you to set down the flaming clubs for a moment and take a breath?

A Flying Leap

Jump!Sometimes it’s worth it to take a flying leap, to let go into the unknown. It’s also sometimes worth it to make sure that you are leaping into deep water than can safely receive you, rather than a brick wall.

What would you like to leap toward?