Upside Down

FishingShedThe shape of a boat turned upside down becomes the shape of a shed for storing nets and fishing supplies. When your life feels overturned, capsized, with your keel in the air, it could just be that you are fitting yourself for a new life on land rather than water.

How have you re-fitted your life after it has felt turned upside down?

Something to Say

BarkingLionThe barking of colony of sea lions can be heard a long way from the shore. Apparently being a sea lion is a very noisy job. We’ve all felt oppressed by being in the midst of an inescapable racket, but there are also times when it feels good to take up space and be loud.

In what situations do you like to be noisy? When do you like to be quiet?

At Your Own Risk

TropicOfCapricornTo view the rock, you’re going to have to get out of your car. Whatever you want to see, whether it’s the rock that marks the Tropic of Capricorn or the perspective of a stranger, it’s going to involve a certain amount of willingness to take a risk.

What will you risk today?