Live Joyfully



What do you work hard at for the pure joy of the accomplishment?

Live Joyfully

Why is it that we are so reluctant to show joy? At what point in our childhood, do we stop running to the front door when mom or dad comes home from work? When did we stop squealing with delight at good news, opting instead to express our joy with a calm, “well done” and a pat on the back? Why do we discredit the joy in our accomplishments, explaining our hard work away as good luck or discounting the success as less than it really is? And why is it so much easier to focus on the struggles we face in our relationships – petty jealousies, annoyances, disagreements, misunderstandings – than to focus on the joy that the relationship brings to our life?

Living a graceful and Grace-filled life requires that we not only embrace all of life’s emotions – joy, sadness, anger, happiness, anxiety, serenity – but that we share those emotions with others so that they might embrace them as well.  Negative emotions are often easily exhibited with complaints, eye-rolling, sneers, judgments and grudges. Yet joy – pure, unadulterated blissful joy – is often sedated and tempered.

by Christine Organ  TO READ MORE

A Life Jacket of Hope



For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.
–Anne Morrow Lindbergh 

A Life Jacket of Hope

For me, hope was my life jacket as I floated in a vast sea of depression.  It is a miserable experience to float in a vast sea of depression, all on your own, no land in sight, sharks of despair circling nearby.

…Sometimes, the life jacket that holds you up seems more of a curse than a blessing.  Only once you have found your way to land are you sure that your life jacket had a purpose.  Thankfully, my life jacket, my hope, served a purpose.  My hope for a healthy future filled with love and meaning has become my reality through hard work, tenacity, and the grace of God.  For that I am profoundly grateful.

Gratitude, I believe, is hope that has evolved.  As soon as I left the ocean, I dropped my life jacket on the beach.  I no longer needed it the way I had.  But what surrounds me now and helps me navigate the earth is gratitude.  Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for my life and thankful that hope kept me afloat.

by Adam Gerhardstein  TO READ MORE

Getting Out of Our Own Way Faithfully



Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.
–Carl Sandburg 

Getting Out of Our Own Way Faithfully

Recently, I was on my way out the door at my local library. It was newsletter folding day, and several volunteers were out sick. I was asked to help out.

Now I pray regularly to be ready to help when asked. I had things to be done, but nothing urgent. Still, there was a moment of wrestling with the unplanned request. I stayed. I folded newsletters with my neighbors. I had a wonderful time and we all were able to go into a beautiful day sooner because of working together. It was a joy – and a moment of spiritual practice when I could transcend my expectations and plans for the day and answer the needs I met along the way. I was given the opportunity to live faithfully, to practice neighborliness and to be generous with what I had – time – letting go of my schedule that did not need to be so rigid.

by Rev. Naomi King, City of Refuge Ministries  TO READ MORE

To Be Joyfully Determined



Do what brings you joy by finding joy in what you do.

To Be Joyfully Determined

So often we focus on what is wrong, and we let that determine the course of our lives. What if we choose instead to focus on what is right, on what makes us happy, on what fulfills us? What if we choose instead to be joyfully determined?

Start with joy. Ask yourself: What brings me joy? Ask this every single day. Notice the answers. Remember the answers. And be joyful.

by Joshua Mason Pawelek, minister, Unitarian Universalist Society: East, Manchester, Connecticut  TO READ MORE

Never Too Late



I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
–Rabindranath Tagore

Never Too Late

Bravery is a choice. It is a decision to enter into the fray no matter how illogical and crazy things are. Even as our friends, family and common sense recommend that we stay away.

In our life, we are surrounded by people, events, circumstances that offer continuous proof of how bad things are, including bad people who don’t seem worth struggling for.

We did not plan to live in such a crazed world. Very few of us have been prepared by life circumstances to deal with the levels of fear, aggression and insanity we now encounter daily.

When we were being trained to think, to plan, to lead, the world was portrayed as rational, predictable, logical.

But now? Ever-present insanity, illogic, injustice, illusion.

This is just the way it is and will continue to be.

We can’t restore sanity to the world, but we can still remain sane and available.

We can still aspire to be of service wherever need summons us. We can still focus our energy on working for good people and good causes.

It is never too late to be brave.

By Margaret J. Wheatley, TO READ MORE