Independence Day

Today people in the United States celebrate their country’s independence from English rule.

What do you celebrate gaining independence from?

3 thoughts on “Independence Day”

  1. I try to gain more confidence in speaking up (hopefully) quietly, reasonably but firmly when I am with someone or with a group where a comment from one of them or a group of them says something that I think is wrong, non-valuable, arbitrary, unjust or inflammatory. It takes a lot of courage to buck the comments but I am realizing that speaking out, not just thinking it, is important.

  2. My first career. I worked in a very dysfunctional and negative atmosphere. I didn’t fully realize until I had been out of it for awhile what a toll it had taken on me. However, it paid well and enabled me to put by enough savings so that I could, eventually, afford to transition to a lower paying, but much healthier and more fulfilling line of work.

  3. I’ll always remember that I got my first period on July 4, 1992. (I only remember it because of the holiday.) Thus began my reproductive years, which I’m now in the thick of. I have exercised my reproductive rights, and I am passionate about defending them for all people. I am glad to belong to a church that values reproductive justice.
    I am independent in my choices, and I want it to stay that way.

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