
WisteriaWisteria is a beautiful flowering vine that perfumes the spring air with the scent of its lavender blossoms. It will also take over your house if you let it.

Have you ever had to “prune back” something loved for the sake of a larger good?

The Right Tool for the Job

TheRightToolForTheJobIn the summer, a bike for a young kid is an introduction to freedom, a little taste of flying. But in the snow, you’re going to need a sled. This choice of tools might seem obvious, but how many times have you used a sledgehammer in a conversation, when you might have been better off with a magnifying glass?

When have you recognized that you were coming at a problem using the wrong tool?

On Top of the Wheel

Wonder WheelAs you rise to the top of the wheel, look quick. There, spread out before you, is not only the whole fairgrounds, but also the fields or houses or hills beyond. Your long-distance view won’t last, the wheel will keep turning, so you will need to hold the image in your mind as you come down.

What does your life path look like when you glimpse the view from on high?


AbundanceAll winter you might think that the tulip beds were just bare ground, a field of emptiness. It takes a lot of trust and patience to get to the moment when the dazzling masses of color emerge, and still more to remember they will come again as they start to fade.

In what brief moment have you been overwhelmed by abundance?