A Clearer View

HangingByAThreadThere are people in the world who are willing to go to great, even dangerous, lengths to provide us all with a clearer view of the world—who strip away the grime of old assumptions and prejudices, who clarify important facts, who give us the opportunity to see a bit more of the world as it really is.

Who or what has given you a clearer picture of some important view on the world?

3 thoughts on “A Clearer View”

  1. MLK Jr. was the immediate person I thought of. I grew up in the 60’s, poor, white, Appalachian, surrounded by intolerance, prejudice and dispair. As a child, I watched the Civil Rights movement progress on TV. When the police turned their dogs and fire hoses on the nonviolent protesters I knew right away whose side I was on. Their courage was amazing in contrast to the heartless strong arm tactics of the government. As I began to pay more attention to Dr. King’s message I understood that he was speaking for all of us. The day he died, the earth stood still for me at age 11 but with his passing I learned that you can’t kill The Dream. We Shall Overcome!

  2. The senior minister and the assistant minister at the church I attend regularly.

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