
Each time fireworks go off they leave behind a puff of smoke, which only gradually fades away on the wind, remaining much longer than the flash of colored light. So with our words, which remain in the minds of those who hear us well after the sound is gone.

How will you choose the shape and color of your words today so that you are pleased with the trail they leave behind?

2 thoughts on “Fireworks”

  1. How will you choose the shape and color of your words today so that you are pleased with the trail they leave behind?…
    … with every fetish that moves me … leaving a very Primal/feral trail; that will be easy to follow, by any who are interested! 😉

    Twisted Blessings!

  2. I read this before dinner and thought it was a good reminder to treat my family better. I tend to make sarcastic jabs. It’s hard not to due to habit and because this sort of thing is deeply ingrained in my family’s dynamics. I don’t do this anywhere else; somehow most my more healthy communication skills are taboo, and I need to find a way around that. I ended up engaging in this behavior yet again tonight. I hope I will someday learn to behave differently. I’ll try again tomorrow.

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