
Sometimes the most beautiful things are the simplest—a single blade of grass or branch against the sky. But beauty can just as well be as elaborate and outlandish as a toucan or a person covered in paint and glitter and fabulousness.

What over-the-top beauty do you particularly enjoy?

2 thoughts on “Adorned”

  1. I consider the use of MASKS as eith ritualistic or “ourlandish” fun producing examples of this idea.When others may be using masks in a deep religious sense, I often do not have that information reafdily available and, therefore, see it as a type of outlandish representation. Then, too, I enjoy (and seeing others) wearing what I consider silly, outlandish masks just for “the hell of it”!

  2. I went to a concert at the Boston Opera House–which was styled to mimic grand opera houses of Europe, but somehow ratcheted that aesthetic way over the top. Like it would make Liberace say “too much”. There were frescos and gilded *everything*. I found myself staring at the ceiling, enraptured. My companion had to pull me back to attention because I was obstructing the flow of traffic, which was a river of people with no room for personal space.

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