
This car’s license plate seems to be ambitiously set on a goal, but frankly, it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere any time soon.

What circumstances are frustrating your goals?

3 thoughts on “Gggoal!”

  1. Hmmm… admin assumes that a goal must involve change and movement. I aspire to time for reading and contemplation, but the goal of meeting commitments to others stands in the way. I don’t exactly have four flat tires as a goal, but appears that what blocks me are my other goals. Reading back what I just wrote, this sounds exactly as muddled as I feel.

    Maybe dying of rust rather than in a crash was the driver’s goal for this muscle car!

  2. I have constant headaches. I don’t have a driver’s license, which drastically limits where I can go and when, and can’t learn to drive with the headaches. I want to work, but the headaches are too bad. I’ve dropped out of activities I loved because I cannot commit to anything when I am out of commission so much.

    The car looks like it makes a nice planter, though.

  3. I have a sense that I am lacking in direction and that I am nor setting priorities. Being curious and wanting to learn so much that is new is one path but, on the other hand, it doesn’t give me the sense of accomplishment I would like to HAVE,

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