No Parking

Who, do you suppose, really wants to park alongside this ramshackle building? And don’t they have larger concerns to worry about? And yet, so many of us expend energy defending ourselves against the remote chance of intruders when we might more profitably give that time and energy to reinforcing our own structural integrity.

What worry might you give up in order to give that energy to your own health and wholeness?

One thought on “No Parking”

  1. I believe that I am being overly influenced by society more closely than I should be to think about my own death. So many ads discussing economic issues for location and equipment. Although I have made plans fir the disposal of my body, I haven’t found a specific answer to my question, “How, when and in what condition will I die?” This is basically a question that I can’t answer so then I try to tell myself that for my belief system there is no definite answer to my question that I can answer myself….so why take the time to “worry” about it? Spend the time I have in a better, more worthwhile wasy.

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