What We Won’t Touch

“What we are reluctant to touch often seems the very fabric of our salvation.”
―Don DeLillo

Who are you reluctant to contact or acknowledge? How might they be an agent of your salvation?

One thought on “What We Won’t Touch”

  1. There are male friends of mine whom I have known in our UU fellowship quite well over the years and I know their interests and talents. In ordinary conversations and encounters, I find that there could well be other topics that we might gainfully explore together. However, I have not been able in much of my life to establish a genuinely platonic relationship with some of these men simply to be able to engage in conversations that are of a more in depth nature. Since men and women in the social and work world now have more times when they are associated together, I know that this offers opportunities for this kind of interaction. I would like to develop ways for this to happen.

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