
As train tracks stretch into the distance they appear to converge. We know the two sides of a track are always at an even distance, but our eyes tell us that the farther they are away, the closer they are together. Even what we “know” from the evidence of our own eyes isn’t necessarily true. Perhaps what we “know” about other people—that they are unkind or selfish or unfair— might be as much a function of our perception as their reality.

How might you see someone who bothers you in a different light?

2 thoughts on “Perspective”

  1. I know of a co-member in our fellowship who is intelligent, committed to his beliefs and willing to participate in many ways that enhance our fellowship. In casual discussions, for instance at lunch after the service when a small group gets together, he expounds on a subject with intelligence but he doesn’t stop talking about it when other people want to interject either a comment or question. His method of becoming a monologue for too long does not add to the acceptance of his message. Too bad because interconnectedness within the discussion would let his message be better accepted, I think.

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