3 thoughts on “Inside You”

  1. Even though each of us is unique (we now know so much more about our inner body and mind), there is still a connectedness among us that makes us feel like humans. The instinctive means that the body uses to let us see, swallow, walk and run are common factors that unite us. Although genetic factors and other physical limitations sometimes change that, we still feel that humanity is a separate entity among the species.

  2. I got on Facebook to maintain connections with my family who are far-flung, and who I don’t see often but would love to. It’s nice to see the kids growing up and to how and what everyone is doing. (Grad school, City Year, Eagle Scouts, so much.)
    Since I have been ill with constant headaches, I don’t get out much, but it’s good to have some interactions with my family and friends (I only “friend” people I really know) so I feel like I’m still in the loop and not totally isolated.

    1. It’s nice to read your comments on Daily Compass, Maggie, and keep up on your thoughts and activities.

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