Down and Dirty

Thomas Edison said that “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Malcolm Gladwell claims that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to gain true mastery of a skill. Creative genius is great, but it rarely turns into anything notable without a whole lot of hard work.

What do you care enough to work hard at, even though you don’t get paid to do it?

One thought on “Down and Dirty”

  1. My special talents that I am enthusiastic about are art and music. I use these to support these two elements of our UU fellowship that I attend so that both can be represented and available for our members, friends, and visitors. We are not the usual environment that represents devotion to a special set of beliefs or honor a revealed faith so there is a lot of latitude in what we present. A favorite display that we had was suggested by Laura and it was t-shirts of members on loan that carried some bold and brave statements!

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