Horse of a Different Color

zebras-pixabay“Now that’s a horse of a different color!” But sometimes the stripes that make us stand out in a crowd also help us to find our own tribe.

How has a something that made you feel different also made you feel like you belong?

One thought on “Horse of a Different Color”

  1. One of the major factors that determined my joining the Unitarian (now Unitarian-Universalist
    Association) was the fact that I have always felt that I could express myself openly without having to resort to a higher spiritual authority of others. Not that I am an out and out rebel, but I have always wanted to be a free thinker when it comes to the matters of who, what, when and where I practice my spiritualty. I probably (no, I DO! , look different to most of my other friends but I’m finding more and more that I, as a UU, am becoming more interesting to others who are believers of a different nature.)

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