The Opening Chord

Never Too Late to BeginThe first chord of a piece announces what is to come—dramatic, gentle, melancholy or dancing. The mood of the piece may shift, but the opening chord sets the tone by which we will hear the rest of the music.

How do you choose to begin your day in a way that sets the tone you want?

2 thoughts on “The Opening Chord”

  1. This is a very good question. While I do follow a routine when I wake up, it does not include a mood-setting piece. I think I will work on a way to use the page-a-day calendar page I tear off before bed to write down a theme and put it on my bedside table.

  2. On waking up, I have been trying to convince myself to simply say to myself, ” Think of a happy day coming!”. If I don’t do that, I often begin thinking of the many problems that are hanging on from before and then I anticipate a day filled with “have tos” or “shoulds”. Following this, after getting up and on my feet, I often write down a short list of things I MUST do and/or WANT to do. It helps organize me in anticipation of a happy, worthwhile time of hours and experiences.

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