Pokemon GOThere must be many factors that account for the success of Pokemon GO, but one of them is surely the way it offers proof of what we have long suspected—that the world is full of unseen wonders, that magic lurks around every corner for those who dare to go out and search for it.

What motivates you to go out and search for wonders?

Begin in Love

man with babyOne of the most difficult things about raising a child is that you have so little control. You can only manage so much of what will happen to them, and they are who they are, with a personality that you can only shape to a very limited extent. Raising a child, like so many other things, is an exercise in faith in the power of love against all odds.

What have you nurtured in love?

Raising an Elephant

Elephants WalkIt takes a heck of a lot of effort to raise an elephant. Even if you set aside the gestation period of nearly two years, baby elephants often aren’t weaned until they are five years old, and really aren’t mature until about 18. Luckily, elephant herds share in caring for the herd, and a mama elephant can count on the support of the other females around her.

How has support from others helped you to bring something big to fruition?