Busy as a Bee

BeesAtWorkBees are certainly both industrious and useful, buzzing from flower to flower, collecting food to store, and pollinating plants in the process. But it could be that they understand themselves not as worker bees, but rather as gluttons, spending all day sipping sweetness from the most beautiful sources.

What useful activity feels to you like play?

One thought on “Busy as a Bee”

  1. Cooking and washing up afterwards seems to delight me. I know it’s a useful activity but the casualness of picking out left overs and determining how to combine them is really fun and sometimes; when an accident happens….spilling something all over the place makes me laugh and I like the feel of the water and slimy soap detergent I use to clean up the dishes and pots. Sometimes when it’s been a big deal to get a meal together, the look of the sink and the counter covered with lots of dishes waiting to be clean, also shocks me into hilarity.

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