
PromiseCakeIt’s a rare person who never worries about being deserted – abandoned by someone we love, or by good fortune itself. But we are just as likely to be dessert-ed – gifted with something sweet that we never expected.

How have you been dessert-ed?

One thought on “Dessertion”

  1. A friend and I went on a trip to China some years ago. Today I was looking at the photos again and realized that on the first night in Beijing, our group went out for dinner in an old deserted museum but the meal was OK. Then suddenly, because someone had heard about it, there appeared a birthday cake with Happy Birthday for me and (I think) the same in Chinese. What a surprise! You see, flying west, I had “lost my birthday”; it was already Sept 16 instead of Sept 15 but it was a thrill to have them celebrate it with me.

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