Wild Horses

wild horses - pixabay cc0Wild horses aren’t, properly speaking, wild. They are feral animals, once domesticated, but now living free in nature. It turns out that for both horses and humans there are benefits and down sides to living a domesticated life.

In what way do you wish your life were more wild?

Freedom of Opinion

Santa Clara University
Santa Clara University

The saying goes that everyone is free to their own opinion, but not to their own facts. The modern world of social media makes it easy to share and debate opinions. It also makes it easy to share “facts” that simply have no basis in reality.

When have you allowed your opinions to lead you astray from researching the facts?

A Personal Battle

house coming down - doug plummer“For in the end, freedom is a personal and lonely battle, and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged.”
—Alice Walker

What freedoms have you gained through facing down your fears?