Groundhog Day

GroundhogLegend has it that if the groundhog sees his shadow today, that he will be scared back into his hole, leaving us with six more weeks of winter. That’s a long time to hide from yourself.

How do you respond when you see your shadow side?

One thought on “Groundhog Day”

  1. “The shadow side” is something I have long been familiar with, having immersed myself in
    a variety of psychological perspectives. Lost a friend, probably, due to lack of awareness at
    the time of some possible “shadow” elements, which are still puzzling to me.

    Currently, I worry about our country’s lack of any, really, awareness of our international LONG
    SHADOW we cast around the world, and the pain it has caused others. Even Trump has acknowledged that our “shock and awe” Iraq War was a disaster the world is paying for in so
    many ways. And the USA as well, as our country deteriorates at home while the call for more military money shows our unwillingness to acknowledge or learn from horrific mistakes.

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