
Thanksgiving DogIt’s easiest to start the long list of things that merit our gratitude with the big things: health, family, community and such. But there are so many very small things to be grateful for: seeds and bees and the time your child did the dishes without even being asked.

What small things are you grateful for?

One thought on “Thanksgiving”

  1. Well. some of the little things I like: the flavor of my toothpaste; the colors of the fall leaves; seeing each new pattern of snowfall because I know each is unique; likewise with each snowflake; the smile on a toddler’s face; eating dandelion greens cooked the Pennsylvania Dutch style; listening to Ode to Joy (this is a pretty big “little”); phrasing a piece of music on the piano just the right way that satisfies me; feeling that a painting that I have done is still just the way I want it to be; remembering my parents’ gifts of life that they left me.That’s enough for now! Happy Days!

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