
cheese puffs - gratisography creative commonsSomewhere on the other side of abundance lives gluttony, a state in which we grab all that we can in a frenzy of desire, out of touch with what we really need, with what would truly make us feel satisfied.

What helps you to get in touch with your genuine needs in the moments when gluttony threatens to overtake you?

3 thoughts on “Gluttony”

  1. My “genuine” needs In the way of gluttony??? Confession: NOTHING. I succumb radically and rapidly. If the chocolates are there, they are likely gone all in a flash. I find that this is one area where I have little if any control. Why is this so? Should I think I can blame the advertisers? NO. Should I blame myself? WELL MAYBE. The craving for that delicious, melt in your mouth, change your mood to happily satisfied seems overwhelming. There! I said it.
    PS: I DO know that if I don’t bring it home I can’t eat it!!??

  2. I wait to be last (or nearly so) in line for the buffet or potluck, so there is less food left to choose from. I make a wide swing around the food while the others serve themselves so I can see in advance what is there, and decide what I want most versus maybe. That way, I choose my food in advance, and I don’t heap on something, and then barely have room on my plate for the better thing further down the line (but add it anyway).

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