A Clearer View

HangingByAThreadThere are people in the world who are willing to go to great, even dangerous, lengths to provide us all with a clearer view of the world—who strip away the grime of old assumptions and prejudices, who clarify important facts, who give us the opportunity to see a bit more of the world as it really is.

Who or what has given you a clearer picture of some important view on the world?

2 thoughts on “A Clearer View”

  1. I knew it was what I wanted to know but I had to have someone teach me and convince me that that was what I wanted. The vehicle was a professor named Maud Ellsworth and I was one of many who learned from her the crucial importance of teaching young children (and anyone else) the importance of letting a person realize that they can and should be creative. This knocks out the coloring, fill-in books right off the bat. Coloring in someone else’s design fortifies the idea that one can’t draw it him/her self. It strikes at the core of who we are and robs us of the confidence that we should have. Never let a young child grow up believing that someone else knows what a tree looks like better that he/she does. We are all creative people and should be encouraged to retain that part of us for life.

  2. In 1982, being enlightened by knowing I was contributing to animal abuse by eating them and using them for clothing, household products, bodycare, and the horrors that animals go through by using milk, eggs, honey…Any type of animal product.

    So from then on, I have been an activist for animals, in educating people in telling them in this day and age, we know longer need animals to be and stay healthy or use them for anything; we as humans have evolved to being healthily cruelty-free. I and many others are proof of this.

    So I try to help strip away the assumptions and animal prejudices (speciesism) people have toward animals to provide people with a clearer view of a more peaceful world. 🙂

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