Slowly Born

SlowlyBorn“A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.”
―Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

When have you awakened to a stranger within yourself?

One thought on “Slowly Born”

  1. Dormant within me was the consideration: “Since I have learned to play the piano during my early and mid-life, is there a way I can put it to good use by playing for others?”
    When out small UU fellowship formed, over time we acquired a gift of a piano and then it was time to start singing hymns! The discussion began: who can “play the piano?” “Well, I can”, said I “but I’ve never played accompaniments for a singing group”. “Oh, well, that’s OK, they said. My thoughts to myself were “I can try” or “I can’t do THAT!” The “I can try” won out and since then, it’s history, as they say. Although I do chording for the musical accompaniments and sometimes invent my own rhythms, for years now, I’m counted on to be the musical director as well a one of our two pianists. We also incorporate those who play other instruments but the core of music at our Sunday services falls on two of us who really do “play the piano!”

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